Teach Your Company To Go Beyond The Bare Minimum
Don’t just meet the standard of ally-ship that other companies adhere to. Set the standard yourself.

Teach Your Company to be an Ally
We know what it takes to be a true ally of the LGBTQ community. And if you’re thinking your company can do better, so do we. Let’s work together to guide those in charge on how to make their efforts more genuine.
Connect Company with Community
NGMA publications have a collective readership of over 400K in print and 1.1 million online. By bringing NGMA in as partners, get your company’s name in front of those that you care about.
Showcase Your Inclusivity Locally
You’ve brought your company so far, help them celebrate just how diverse and inclusive they are.
Companies are much more aware of social issues now than they’ve ever been. With attendance at Pride festivals growing year by year, a whopping 34% attendance increase from 2016 to 2017, the LGBTQ community is one that successfully advocates for itself. While the understanding of being part of the LGBTQ community becomes more comprehensive, companies are still behind the curve of what it takes to be a meaningful ally. Acknowledging LGBTQ individuals during the month of July or including inclusive company policies is simply the bare minimum. With NGMA’s help, teach your company how to not just look like an ally, but go a step farther than their competitors and be an ally.

Subaru’s gay and lesbian focused marketing campaign was a hit, and the company’s efforts continue today. In focus groups and online polls, gay and lesbian consumers consistently choose Subaru vehicles as their favorite cars or Subaru as the most gay-friendly brand. As one focus-group participant put it, ‘Martina Navratilova is a spokesperson. What more do you want?’
Personalized. Community-focused. Engaging.
An exciting year of traveling and exploring new destinations is just ahead for the LGBT community! Download the 2024 NGMA rate card to learn more about ad rates and sizes, readership statistics, and more for the LGBT Annual Travel Guide.
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